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Meet Our Current Members

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Rachel van Vliet

Research Assisstant

I first joined the lab as a research assistant in May 2019 and began my master’s there in the fall of 2019, which I completed in the summer of 2022. I have been working as a research assistant since  fall 2022.

My background:


  • Bachelor of Arts, major in Anthropology, minor in Science for Arts Students, Biology (McGill University, 2018).


  • Masters of Science, Animal Science (McGill University, 2022).


My master’s research explored interactions between caregivers and captive monkeys in laboratory settings. It focused on caregiver use of species-specific behaviour as a form of social enrichment for captive marmosets and macaques.


I am interested in animal welfare and human-non-human-animal interactions. I am particularly interested in the interactions between human caregivers and the animals they care for, and how these interactions affect the well-being and behaviour of captive animals. I am fascinated by how these relationships are formed, and how husbandry practices can be developed in order to improve enrichment and overall welfare of captive animals.

© 2016 by CowLifeMcGill

McGill University, Quebec, Canada

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