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Does outdoor access affect the gait and hoof health of tie-stall cows? - ISAE 2021

Updated: Jun 2, 2022

This blog post was written by Amir Nejati.

The Covid19 pandemic has changed our lives and the whole world. One of the transformations is how events are conducted: virtual events in place of physical ones. The 54th International Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE 2021) was no exception. We attended ISAE 2021, which took place virtually in Bangalore, India. In the following video, Amir Nejati is explaining more about his poster presentation.

If you are interested, you can download the pdf version of his poster by clicking on the link below.

Poster References

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7. Shepley, E., & Vasseur, E. (2021). SHORT COMMUNICATION: The effect of housing tie-stall dairy cows in deep-bedded pens during an eight-week dry period on gait and step activity. Journal of Dairy Science.

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© 2016 by CowLifeMcGill

McGill University, Quebec, Canada

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