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Dairy cow longevity and animal welfare status: Insights on dairy farming sustainability

Updated: Jun 2, 2022

This blog post was written by Gabriel M. Dallago

The GALACTINNOV International Research Network (Réseau de recherche à l’international) was created on May 7, 2021, with the objective to foster collaboration between 10 French research units and four Quebec universities grouped together in the Op+lait consortium.

As part of the collaboration between institutions, the Galactinnov 2021 "Glande mammaire, lait" Meeting happened on the mornings of November 9th and 16th, 2021. My presentation proposal titled "Dairy Cow Longevity and Animal Welfare: Insights on dairy farming sustainability" was selected for presentation under the session Production Laitière et Durabilité. It presents an overall summary of the research I have done during my Ph.D. at McGill University into analyzing the different aspects of dairy cow longevity, animal welfare, and the overall sustainability of dairy farming. A recording of my presentation is available in the video below. Happy watching!!


© 2016 by CowLifeMcGill

McGill University, Quebec, Canada

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